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Clinical Education Development and Research (CEDAR)

Enhancing HI Treatment: LTCs-MUSs

There are three sections to the curriculum: each containing a number of units. The first two sections set out competences applicable to all long term health conditions. The third describes intervention packages for people with specific health conditions.

Each section contains a number of units: underpinning competences for work with people with LTCs, generic intervention skills for work with people with LTCs and evidence based interventions for specific health conditions.


Trainees must complete at least two assessment and therapy cases (a total of 10 sessions of therapy) where CBT has been delivered within the context of a long term physical health condition or persistent and distressing physical symptoms. There should also be evidence of reflection and learning of the training being applied to these cases. There should be evidence of the participation of live supervision on this practice by an appropriately qualified supervisor, and sign off of competency by the supervisor.

Finally, the student should submit a log book containing all of the above to evidence learning and development.

Course length

9 months (part time)


£1,700 HI

£900 PWP

Who is this training for?

  • Trainees should be HI CBT practitioners working within an NHS Talking Therapies service.
  • They will need to see for assessment or treatment a minimum of two clients with LTC/MUS comorbid to anxiety/depression. In total they will need to have seen these two clients for a minimum of 10 treatment sessions by the end of the course/the submission of the logbook.
  • Trainees must also be in receipt of regular supervision, individual or group, with a supervisor with expertise, in working with this client group.
  • Trainees should also bring live case material (recordings) to their supervision session.

How to apply

Applications to this programme may only be made through NHS Talking Therapies services recruiting trainees and not directly through the University of Exeter. If you are interested in applying for this programme, please contact your local NHS Talking Therapies service or look at the NHS and NHS Talking Therapies jobs websites. The number of places varies each year as the course is funded by Health education South West and is dependent on funding.

Feedback from participants:

Once again Exeter living up to their reputation! This has been so far one of the best IAPT courses I have attended. From webpage (well designed and accessible) to communication with students (clear and precise) and overall the guest speakers. Amazing. Thank you.

I have found this course incredibly helpful in developing my skills as a Step 3 practitioner and to think about things differently when supporting clients who have LTCs.


Issy Hargreaves

Tel: +44 (0) 1392 72 2459
