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Clinical Education Development and Research (CEDAR)

PG CERT Clinical Leadership and Transformational Service Change

What this handbook provides

This handbooks aims to provide you with an overview of the aims of the programme, the structure, and details of contact days, and assessment requirements. We will alert you to any updates and new versions as they emerge. The contents here should be considered alongside generic Exeter university regulations for post-graduate programmes available online.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any outstanding concerns or queries. Please let us know if there is further information that would be helpful to have included here.

We are very excited to bring you the CYP Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) G/PG Certificate in Enhanced Evidence Based Practice. This training complements our already highly successful and expanding portfolio of IAPT programmes and contributes to our wider clinical training portfolio which includes the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and the MSc Psychological Therapies. We also have a firm commitment to evidence based clinical practice and as such we endeavour to ensure all of our training programmes are firmly embedded within current research. This commitment is in no small way aided through the Mood Disorders Unit which is involved in undertaking clinical research which has national and international significance.

These are exciting and challenging times for us all. The team of highly experienced clinical trainers will endeavour to deliver the highest quality IAPT training to support you in transforming mental health services for children, young people and families.

It is likely that you will find the training intensive and challenging, but hopefully enjoyable and especially practice enhancing.

Professor Eugene Mullan, Director of Clinical Professional Training

Name Title Email
Professor Eugene Mullan Director of Clinical Professional Training  
Dr Ben Smith Programme Lead
Nicola Buckingham Academic Lead
Corinne Foy Clinical Lead
Jonathan Parker Clinical Lead
Sabrina Andrews Administrator
Craig Thompson External Examiner (Northumbria University)

Main aims of the programme

This innovative postgraduate certificate programme has been developed to enable you to respond effectively to the requirements of the Department of Health to develop responsive, evidence-based services. As a senior clinical or service lead in a health or social care organisation, you need the most up-to-date knowledge about evidence-based practice and service transformation to equip you to respond to the challenges of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies in the new commissioning environment. This programme provides you with the latest research knowledge and skills in clinical leadership and evidence-based practice together with individualised coaching to support you in service transformation. It will also offer you an opportunity to reflect on your own leadership skills alongside the latest thinking.

Specific programme aims

Our aim is that on completion of the programme participants will have gained specific knowledge and experience.

A.  Specialised subject skills knowledge and experience

1. Understand health care settings as complex organisational systems

2. Demonstrate knowledge of the key features associated with leadership in health service transformational change and sustainable development

3. Critically appreciate a range of key practice issues associated with the sustainable development of routine outcome monitoring in clinical practice

4. Differentiate a range of key practice issues associated with the sustainable transformation of clinical practice

B. Academic discipline core skills knowledge and experience

5. Synthesise new approaches to contribute to the development of methodology and understanding in transformational service change

6. At an advanced level demonstrate an ability to address systematically complex leadership dilemmas which may be framed within unpredictable contexts, to think critically, creatively, and independently, and to fully appreciate the complexities of the issues

7. Communicate complex and contentious information clearly and effectively to specialists and non-specialists, acting as an effective clinical leader

8. Synthesise new approaches to contribute to the development of methodology and understanding in reflective evidence-based practice in clinical leadership

C. Personal/transferable/employment skills knowledge and experience

9. Analyse and manage the implications of ethical dilemmas and work proactively to formulate solutions

10. Manage complexity, incompleteness and contradiction through leadership and effective team working

11. Function independently and reflectively as a learner

Learning approaches

The academic scope of the programme incorporates the following topics to help you work more effectively as a leader:

  • leadership and organisational theory and research
  • values-based service improvement
  • supervision and appraisal
  • achieving and sustaining a culture for effective improvement

Learning and teaching methods include small group facilitated sessions, and individual coaching sessions with a member of the programme staff. The learning environment will include university sessions, locality tasks and telephone contact.

The clinical leadership and transformational service change programme is a one year programme of study at National Qualification Framework (NQF) level 7, and is assigned a number of ‘credits’. The credit rating of a module is proportional to the total workload, with 1 credit being nominally equivalent to 10 hours of work.

The programme of study consists of 60 credits.

The pass mark for award of credit in an individual module is 50%.

Condonement is the process that allows you to pass a ‘stage’ should you fail to achieve the required number of credits in any stage. None of the modules in this Programme are condonable. So, you have to pass them.


The marking of modules and the classification of awards broadly corresponds to the following percentage marks:

Postgraduate degrees

Distinction   70%+

Merit            60-69%

Pass            50-59%

Full details of PG programmes assessment regulations can be found in the Teaching Quality Assurance Manual (TQA) on the University of Exeter website.  Generic marking criteria are also published here.

Please see the Teaching and Quality Assurance Manual for further guidance.

The following tables describe the programme and three constituent modules. Constituent modules may be updated, deleted or replaced as a consequence of the annual programme review of this programme. Details of the modules currently offered may be obtained from the College website at

Code Title Credits
PYCM024 Leadership and Sustainable Development in Health Care Settings 15
PYCM025 Reflective and Evidence-based Practice in Health Care Settings 15
Code Title Credits
PYCM026 Clinical Service Transformation Project 30


We expect your attendance to be 100% as absences can affect the quality of the learning experience of the course. As such please do not take holidays when teaching has been scheduled.  Should exceptional circumstances for leave arise then please contact the Programme Lead prior to leave being taken.

If a programme member is ill for a prolonged period of time or other unforeseen circumstances intervene to prevent attendance then the staff team will attempt to negotiate an alternative package of teaching attendance so that the programme member can still meet the requirements.  Each programme member is required to keep a log of his or her attendance at teaching sessions.

A register to record the attendance of each programme member will be taken at the beginning of each teaching session which will reviewed by the Programme Lead. This register can be located at the reception area of the Washington Singer Building.

This register will also cover any university directed study days outside of the university. In the case you miss any of the teaching days (both within and outside of the university) through ill health please do inform both your employer and the CEDAR PGT team.


We would like your timekeeping on the programme to be rigorous. We maintain vigilance around this aspect out of consideration for the member of staff delivering the teaching session and for fellow programme members. Thank you in advance for your understanding here.

Summary of the module content

The requirement to deliver evidence-based, quality driven, outcome informed services ensures that health care settings are at the vanguard of ongoing transformational change and sustainable development. In turn this requires leaders to plan and implement such change at a professional level. In these modules you will gain a critical understanding of topics such as leadership, health service complexity, value-based service change, supervision and appraisal and management of change, to help you work effectively as a leader.

Summary of module aims

To enable you to:

  • Develop and update your knowledge of the fundamental principles of leadership and service transformation theory, research and practice
  • Develop an advanced knowledge and understanding of how implementation science informs service transformation
  • Develop an advanced knowledge of the skills necessary for leading service transformation
  • Develop the capacity to reflect critically on leadership and service transformation theory, research and practice
  • Through attending the workshops and tutorials you will develop the following academic and professional skills:
  • Critical analysis – the ability to critically appraise research, literature and opinions of others and your own work in the light of data tracking and analysis
  • Problem formulation and problem solving – the ability to synthesise information from theory/literature with complex data from practical experience to make sense of experience and formulate solutions
  • Reflective practice – the ability to reflect on theoretical knowledge and procedural experience and to learn from this and apply learning to practice

PYCM024 (15 credits)

Leadership and sustainable development in health care settings

The aim of this module is to provide you with a critical understanding of the theoretical, research and implementation literature that underpins transformational service change and sustainable development, and appreciate the skills required to work effectively through service level change processes.

PYCM025 (15 credits)

Reflective and evidence-based practice in health care settings

The aim of this module is to provide you with the critical skills required to lead service change and deliver evidence-based, quality-driven, outcomes informed services. It also aims to develop your expertise in reflective practice that integrates underpinning theoretical knowledge with clinical leadership skills.

PYCM026 (30 credits)

Health care service transformation project

In this module you will deliver a service transformation project and demonstrate a practical understanding of the application of clinical leadership competences in your service setting.

Contact expectations

It is a requirement that all university contact sessions and locality on-site days are attended. You will also need time to work through materials independently. The face-to-face contact will take place in the Washington Singer Building.

If you are unable to attend a teaching session, please contact the CEDAR support team to advise them of your absence.

Assessment Overview

Module Code Module Name Assessment Formative or Summative Word count % Deadline Marks Returned to Student EBART Turnitin Front Cover Consent Forms
PYCM024 Leadership and Sustainable Development in Health Care Settings Leadership portfolio assessments Formative N/A N/A 19th June 2017 N/A N/A N N Y
PYCM024 Leadership and Sustainable Development in Health Care Settings Project Proposal and Overview Summative 2,500 50% 27th March 2017   24th April 2017 Y Y Y N
PYCM024 Leadership and Sustainable Development in Health Care Settings Leadership portfolio report Summative 1000 50%  19th June 2017 10th July 2017  Y Y Y Y
PYCM025 Reflective and Evidence-based Practice in Health Care Settings Project Presentation Formative N/A N/A 13th & 14th July 2017   N/A N N N N
PYCM025 Reflective and Evidence-based Practice in Health Care Settings Outcome Monitoring Report Summative 1500 50%  8th May 2017 30th May 2017  Y Y Y N
PYCM025 Reflective and Evidence-based Practice in Health Care Settings Individual Reflective Log Summative 1500 50% 11th Sept 2017  2nd Oct 2017  Y Y Y N
PYCM026 Clinical Service Transformation Project Reflective log Formative N/A N/A 9th Oct 2017 N/A N N N N
PYCM026 Clinical Service Transformation Project Project Report Summative 6000 100% 9th Oct 2017 30th Oct 2017 Y Y  Y  N

Assessment Hand-In Procedure

The assessment overview indicates which assessments you must hand in and their deadlines. It also outlines whether you need to submit work via Turnitin and/or EBART.

Information on how to use Turnitin can be found here:

Information on how to use EBART can be found here:

Please note – Turnitin and EBART are two entirely different systems. Turnitin is a plagiarism checker, whereas EBART is the UoE student assessment tracking system.

  • You will need to submit the final version of your work, including references, to EBART as a .pdf file/PDF document. (In the final word version, click File, Save As, and in the drop down bar titled ‘save as type’ near the bottom of the window, select PDF. This will save a duplicate copy of your work in PDF format.
  • Your final work should not have your name on it
  • You should allow a good amount of time to upload your work to EBART prior to the deadline – IT Helpdesk suggest handing work in a minimum of three hours prior to deadlines (so if something does go wrong, there is time to speak to IT helpdesk for assistance). Computer failure/technical problems are not an acceptable reason to request mitigation.

Cover Sheets

Where you need to submit a front cover sheet (outlined above), it is available to download here: CYP Leads Front Sheet 2017


  • If you need to resubmit your work, you will have four weeks to do so – we will outline this procedure with you if/when it becomes applicable.
  • You will need to resubmit work in the same way (depending on what element it is will determine whether you use EBART or not). You will also need to resubmit the original assessment and feedback sheet, and a new coversheet.
  • Please note that where assessments for part or all of a module are referred the whole module must be capped at 50% for postgraduate modules.

Mitigation Requests

Application for mitigation of assessment should be made prior to the assessment deadline in question. Students are responsible for making applications for mitigation to the CEDAR Mitigations team for the affected module/element of assessment.

Students may apply for mitigation for more than one module where the same circumstances have affected more than one assessment. Students must use the correct mitigation form and be explicit in detailing: the circumstances that have affected them, how these circumstances have affected their performance and evidence to support their application (doctor's note etc.) If supporting evidence is being supplied by the students supervisor, must be sent separately to

All fields of the form must be completed and a specific, weekday date by which the work is expected to be completed (which doesn't fall on a University of Exeter closure day e.g. - bank holidays) should be provided.

We require both the completed form and evidence to process your request and forward to the mitigation committee who consider mitigation requests. Without the completed documentation, your request will not be considered.

Please complete the CEDAR Mitigation Request Form fully and ensure that you provide accompanying evidence to support your claim.

Submit this to:

It is the students responsibility to submit work on the agreed date as stipulated on the mitigation form. If the student feels this is not possible, the student should contact the academic team and the CEDAR mitigations team prior to the deadline to re-negotiate a suitable deadline. If this occurs, a new mitigation form and supporting evidence must be provided as outlined above.

Where we do not receive correctly completed mitigation forms and supporting evidence, the assessment will be marked as late until the correct documentation is provided by the student.

Late applications for mitigation (made after the original assessment deadline) should only be considered in exceptional circumstances, where there are compelling reasons why the application was not made at the time. Examples may include an emerging condition, the effect of which was not clear at the time of the examination/during completion of the assignment, or a condition such as severe clinical depression which affects a student’s ability to understand or engage with the procedures. 

Late Submission of assessments

Where the assessment is submitted after the agreed deadline, it will be marked as late.

Subsequently, if the work is received within two weeks of the agreed submission date, the mark for the assessment will be capped at 50%. If the assessment is submitted after two weeks of the agreed date it will receive a mark of 0%. At this point, the assessment will become referred and the module will be capped at 50%.

The referred assessment must be resubmitted within four weeks of the deadline. If the student receives a failing mark for the referred assessment or fails to submit work prior to, or by the agreed deadline, this will mean that the student fails the programme.

Assessment hand-in procedures

The assessment overview indicates which assessments you must hand in and their deadlines. It also outlines whether you need to submit work via Turnitin and/or EBART.

Information on how to use Turnitin can be found here.

Information on how to use EBART can be found in the EBART handbook or the EBART summary sheet.

Please note – Turnitin and EBART are two entirely different systems. Turnitin is a plagiarism checker, whereas EBART is the UoE student assessment tracking system.

  • You will need to submit the final version of your work, including references, to EBART as a .pdf file/PDF document. (In the final word version, click File, Save As, and in the drop down bar titled ‘save as type’ near the bottom of the window, select PDF. This will save a duplicate copy of your work in PDF format.
  • Your final work should not have your name on it.
  • You should allow a good amount of time to upload your work to EBART prior to the deadline – IT Helpdesk suggest handing work in a minimum of three hours prior to deadlines (so if something does go wrong, there is time to speak to IT helpdesk for assistance!) Computer failure/technical problems are not an acceptable reason to request mitigation.

Formatting of assessments
All written assessments should be word-processed using double-line spacing, font size of 11pt or 12pt and in a font that is easy to read, e.g. Arial, Verdana, Tahoma. All pages should be numbered.

Guidance on service transformation project proposal (PYCM024)

Assignment task

Prepare a concise structured proposal for a service transformation project building from key IAPT principles and involving your host organization. This is the work that you will subsequently write up as your service transformation project.

The project proposal will be assessed on the basis of its coherence and feasibility alongside the criteria specified below. The reader should be left with a clear sense of what the author intends to do and to what end.

The deadline for this project proposal has been set some way in advance of the execution of the delivery of the project itself. The entire project has to be undertaken during the period of registration for study for the PG Cert.


  • Summary – a concise overview of your project proposal
  • Context – this describes the background to the issue historically, organisationally and in terms of policy imperatives. It also includes consideration of key stakeholders
  • Outcomes sought - how does this proposal relate to the purpose of the organisation and the role of you and your colleagues within it? How does it relate to local needs assessment and priorities as expressed by children and families?
  • Evaluation - how will you know you have achieved these outcomes (including consideration of measurement)? What will children and their families using your service notice? Regardless of what happens in practice, how will you capture the learning to inform future initiatives?
  • Preparing the ground - what are the enabling factors in the environment? What strengths will you be building on or creating through alignment? Who and how do you propose to engage right from the outset? How will leadership and the mobilization of energy and resources be achieved? The ethical and human values associated with change in pursuit of the outcomes sought should also be considered at this stage
  • Implementation - a summary of your proposed participants, materials (e.g. measures before and after, process measures, etc.) and methods. Methods may include further consideration of the human dimension of change (e.g. how new key stakeholders will be engaged, and energy maintained), structural or process changes. How do the methods used draw upon past experience of what works?
  • Reporting and accountability - what is the governance framework for this work? Does it enable the work? How could it be improved? Who is leading and how?
  • Spread and sustainability - how are you going to share the results of your project and with whom? What do you plan to have in place to promote sustainability?

Your work should be written succinctly and with clarity. It should adhere to the prescribed word count and be of a high standard of written English. Referencing should include a wide range of sources and the format must be consistent with APA guidelines. Confidentiality is paramount and individuals and organisations should be anonymised throughout the text. Failure to do so could result in a fail mark.

Marking Framework


Assessed skills

Fail (<49%)

Pass (50 – 69%)

Good Pass (60 – 69%)

Distinction (>70%)


Summarise complex information coherently and clearly.

From: evidence of competence in understanding leadership for improvement and the achievement of change but application is limited; To: negligible evidence of a basic understanding of leadership for improvement and achieving change.

Evidence of satisfactory and appropriate development of a coherent and feasible novel proposal for improvement.

Good, consistent evidence of appropriate and effective use of local intelligence and published work in the development of a coherent and feasible novel proposal.

From: strong and convincing evidence of appropriate and effective use of local intelligence and published work in the development of a coherent and feasible novel proposal. To: overwhelming evidence of both insight and innovation in use of local intelligence, lived experience, and published work (including research) on the development of a coherent, feasible and novel proposal.


Obtain, prioritise, integrate and report relevant contextual information.

Outcomes sought

Differentiate purpose, aims and objectives to describe meaningful and achievable outcomes that guide action.


Realistic and attuned to purpose and stakeholders.

Preparing the ground

Understanding of culture, working from strengths and assets, recognition of the importance of engagement and how to achieve it.


Breadth of possibilities considered and decisions made appropriately on the basis of different forms of knowledge.

Reporting and accountability

Awareness of the enabling and disabling effects of different forms of governance. Active in creating the most enabling context possible.

Spread and sustainability

Awareness of approaches available.

Cover Sheets

You will need to submit a cover sheet with this assignment. It is available to download here: CYP Leads Front Sheet 2017

Guidance on service transformation project (PYCM026)

Assignment task

Prepare a report on your service transformation project building from key IAPT principles and involving your host organization. It is likely to bear some significant relationship to the proposal you originally submitted but do not feel constrained by this. We know circumstances and needs are in constant flux. It is not an exercise in consistency, though the project itself does need to have internal coherence and tell its own story of what happened and the learning that was captured.

You are expected to make relevant and concise reference to published literature relating to leadership for improvement throughout.

Transformation is a problematic word in this context requiring clear understanding. It pertains to an aspiration to engage at the level of profound change. It does not imply an expectation to completely remodel the local service system unless this is what is required to achieve a significant improvement in outcomes.


  • Summary – a concise overview of your project
  • Context – this describes the background to the issue historically, organisationally and in terms of policy imperatives. It also includes description of the key stakeholders
  • Outcomes sought - how do the outcomes sought relate to the purpose of the organisation and the role of you and your colleagues within it? How does it relate to local needs assessment and purpose as expressed by children and families?
  • Evaluation - what measures were in place to demonstrate that the project achieved the outcomes above? How did they work in practice? What was learned about evaluation in practice? What narrative from children and their families using your service is available? Regardless of what happened in practice, how was learning to inform future initiatives captured?
  • Working with the context - what were the enabling factors in the environment and how were they engaged? What strengths were identified and built on? What other aspects of context were relevant, including those that were unexpected
  • The exercise of leadership for improvement - were new partnerships, and/or alignments of interest created? If so how and what did you learn? How were leadership and the mobilization of energy and resources achieved? How were ethical issues and issues concerning human values addressed in the pursuit of the outcomes sought?
  • Implementation - what happened in terms of planned intervention? Who was involved and how? What materials were used (e.g. measures before and after, process measures, etc.) and how were they received? How were stakeholders engaged, and energy and interest maintained. Describe any structural or process changes?  How did you decide on the methods used?
  • Reporting and accountability - how did the governance framework for the work influence process and outcome? What observations can you make with respect to leadership and governance in practice?
  • Spread and sustainability - how are results of your project to be shared and with whom? What is in place to promote sustainability? What have you seen working already?
  • Personal reflections on process - what are your reflections on the process of implementation of this project? How is it informed by published research and other relevant sources of knowledge?
  • Personal reflections on leadership - where were you positioned with respect to the leadership needed to deliver this project effectively? What worked well in terms of leadership? What could have been better? What learning needs to be taken forward (a) for you own professional journey of personal and leadership development, (b) for leadership for improvement more widely, (c) for the organisation and the key stakeholders identified.

Your work should be written succinctly and with clarity. It should (in order to adhere to the prescribed word count) and be of a high standard of written English. Referencing should include a wide range of sources and the format must be consistent with APA guidelines. Confidentiality is paramount and individuals and organisations should be anonymised throughout the text. Failure to do so could result in a fail mark.

Marking Framework

Structure Assessed skills Fail (<49%) Pass (50 – 69%) Good Pass (60 – 69%) Distinction (>70%)
Summary Summarise complex information coherently and clearly. From: evidence of competence in understanding leadership for improvement and the achievement of change but application is limited; To: negligible evidence of a basic understanding of leadership for improvement and achieving change. Evidence of satisfactory and appropriate development of a coherent and feasible approach to improvement, and the capacity to capture and apply the learning achieved. Good, consistent evidence of appropriate and effective use of local intelligence and published work in the development of a coherent and feasible approach to improvement, and the capacity to capture and apply the learning achieved creatively and innovatively. From: strong and convincing evidence of appropriate and effective use of local intelligence and published work in the development of a coherent and feasible approach to improvement, and the capacity to capture and apply the learning achieved. To: overwhelming evidence of both insight and innovation in use of local intelligence, lived experience, and published work (including research) on the development of a coherent, novel and feasible approach to improvement, and the capacity to capture and apply the learning achieved creatively and innovatively.
Context Obtain, prioritise, integrate and report relevant contextual information.
Outcomes sought Differentiate purpose, aims and objectives to describe meaningful and achievable outcomes that guide action.
Evaluation Realistic and attuned to purpose and stakeholders. Capturing the learning to inform future implementation.
Working with the context Understanding of culture, working from strengths and assets, recognition of the importance of engagement and how to achieve it. Dealing effectively with the unexpected and paradoxical.
The exercise of leadership for improvement Describing leadership with reference to existing framework and models.
Implementation Breadth of possibilities considered and decisions made appropriately on the basis of different forms of knowledge.
Reporting and accountability Awareness of the enabling and disabling effects of different forms of governance. Active in creating the most enabling context possible.
Spread and sustainability Awareness of approaches available.
Structure Assessed skills Fail (<49%) Pass (50 – 69%) Good Pass (60 – 69%) Distinction (>70%)
Personal reflections on process Capacity for careful and systematic observation and recording, particularly of the lived experience of key stakeholders (e.g. children and families using services).        
Personal reflections on leadership As above with respect to leadership and the author’s own role as an agent of sustainable improvement.

Guidance on outcome monitoring report (PYCM025)

Assignment task

Drawing on the content of the taught sessions and guidance from the national IAPT team, this assignment is an opportunity to evidence an understanding of the key practice issues associated with the sustainable development of routine outcome monitoring (ROM) in clinical practice.


The aim of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to explore the current practice of your service in relation to routine outcome monitoring, and to make recommendations for future developments. It may help to structure your assignment as follows:

  • Summary - A clear summary giving an overview of the rationale for ROM, reviewing current practice, and summarising an action plan.
  • Introduction - An introduction providing a clear and compelling rationale for the use of ROM in the IAPT programme, incorporating national guidance.
  • Review of current ROM practice in your service context- A clear and succinct review exploring current practice in the use of ROM. Reference may be made to involvement of CORC and/or local audit services as appropriate. 
  • Action plan - A clear action plan is proposed incorporating key timelines, use of data capture software, reporting and application of data to inform clinical decision making and caseload management.

Your work should be written succinctly and with clarity. It should (in order to adhere to the prescribed word count) and be of a high standard of written English. Referencing should include a wide range of sources and the format must be consistent with APA guidelines. Confidentiality is paramount and individuals and organisations should be anonymised throughout the text. Failure to do so could result in a fail mark.

Marking Framework


Assessed skills

Fail (<49%)

Pass (50 – 69%)

Good Pass (60 – 69%)

Distinction (>70%)


Summarise complex information coherently and clearly.

From: evidence of competence in understanding the key practice issues associated with the sustainable development of routine outcome monitoring (ROM) in clinical practice but application is limited; To: negligible evidence of a basic understanding of the key practice issues associated with the sustainable development of routine outcome monitoring (ROM) in clinical practice


Evidence of satisfactory understanding of the key practice issues associated with the sustainable development of routine outcome monitoring (ROM) in clinical practice 


Good, consistent evidence of appropriate and effective understanding of the key practice issues associated with the sustainable development of routine outcome monitoring (ROM) in clinical practice.

From: strong and convincing evidence of understanding the key practice issues associated with the sustainable development of routine outcome monitoring (ROM) in clinical practice To: overwhelming evidence of understanding the key practice issues associated with the sustainable development of routine outcome monitoring (ROM) in clinical practice.


Set out a clear and compelling rationale

Review of current ROM  practice in your service context

Obtain, prioritise, integrate and report relevant contextual information clearly and succinctly.

Action plan

Capturing the learning to inform future implementation.

Cover Sheets

You will need to submit a cover sheet with this assignment. It is available to download here: CYP Leads Front Sheet 2017

Guidance on reflective log submission (PYCM025)

Assignment task

The aim of the log is to capture the leadership and practice issues that arise for you, while creating an opportunity to reflect on them with a view to service improvement and personal and professional development.


Participants will be offered the opportunity to produce a short, written reflective piece to send to their coach between each coaching session for formative feedback. The focus for this reflective writing can be drawn from the content of the university and locality sessions, coaching, and the experience of undertaking the course assignments. This written work will form the basis of the reflective log submission and so it will need to follow the marking guidelines for this assignment. In your final reflective log submission confidentiality is paramount and individuals and organisations should be anonymised throughout the text. Failure to do so could result in a fail mark.

Your work should be written succinctly and with clarity (in order to adhere to the prescribed word count) and be of a high standard of written English. Referencing should include a wide range of sources and the format consistent and in line with the APA standard convention.

Marking Framework


Assessed skills

Fail (<49%)

Pass (50 – 69%)

Good Pass (60 – 69%)

Distinction (>70%)

Focus and direction

Having a clearly stated purpose and focus for reflection, that is meaningful, appropriately challenging, and sufficiently narrow to allow examination from multiple perspectives, and in depth. A clear direction is taken as emerging themes are selected and examined.

From: evidence of competence in reflective practice but is limited in relation to assessed skills; To: negligible evidence of a basic understanding of reflective practice in relation to assessed skills.

Evidence of satisfactory and appropriate reflective practice in relation to assessed skills.

Good, consistent evidence of reflective practice in relation to assessed skills.

From: strong and convincing evidence of reflective practice in relation to assessed skills. To: overwhelming evidence of reflective practice in relation to assessed skills.

Use a model of reflection

Being able to clearly state and appropriately use an established model of reflection.

Relate theory to practice

Being able to draw on theory, research, established practice and socio political context appropriately in reflective practice and demonstrate how this has aided understanding.

Inform future action

Be able to draw together conclusions and make clear how the understanding obtained will inform and influence future practice.


Evidence of reflective practice that demonstrates personal responsibility, ethical concerns, depth and originality of thinking, and consideration of multiple perspectives.


Maintaining quality of the writing and presentation (structure, style, & references) throughout.

Guidance on leadership portfolio report (PYCM024)     

Assignment task

The aim of this report is to give you an opportunity to appraise your personal strengths and limitations in relation to training in leadership and your wider experiences of leadership. The report is an opportunity to consider the implications for your further training and personal development. The report allows you to bring together the learning from a variety of formative experiences you will have on the course. These include the NHS leadership academy self-assessment and 360 and the video of leadership practice.


Participants will be offered the opportunity to undertake a number of leadership assessment opportunities with formative feedback. These will form the basis of a leadership portfolio with a written report summarising learning.

Summary of key learning – present a balanced account of key strengths and areas of improvement, linking these with key aspects of learning derived from completing the portfolio of assessments.

Action points – draw together a conclusion summarising the implications for your future development opportunities.

Your work should be written succinctly and with clarity (in order to adhere to the prescribed word count) and be of a high standard of written English. Referencing should include a wide range of sources and the format consistent with APA guidelines. Confidentiality is paramount and individuals and organisations should be anonymised throughout the text. Failure to do so could result in a fail mark.

Marking Framework


Assessed skills

Fail (<49%)

Pass (50 – 69%)

Good Pass (60 – 69%)

Distinction (>70%)

Summary of key learning

Summarise complex information coherently and clearly.

From: evidence of competence in

appraising  personal strengths and limitations in training and experience of leadership, and reflecting upon the implications of these for further training and personal development but limited; To: negligible evidence of a basic understanding of appraising personal strengths and limitations in training and experience of leadership, and reflecting upon the implications of these for further training and personal development

Evidence of satisfactory appraisal of  personal strengths and limitations in training and experience of leadership, and reflecting upon the implications of these for further training and personal development


Good, consistent evidence of appraising  personal strengths and limitations in training and experience of leadership, and reflecting upon the implications of these for further training and personal development

From: strong and convincing evidence of

appraising  personal strengths and limitations in training and experience of leadership, and reflecting upon the implications of these for further training and personal development To: overwhelming evidence of

appraising  personal strengths and limitations in training and experience of leadership, and reflecting upon the implications of these for further training and personal development

Action plan

Capturing the learning to inform future implementation.

Cover sheets

You will need to submit a cover sheet with this assignment. It is available to download here: CYP Leads Front Sheet 2017